Bright & Soft® Water Softener Salt Pellets (Yellow Bag) – 4 Pack

  • Diamond Crystal
  • Water Softener
  • 4 x 40 lbs bags

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Which salt should I select?

Bright & Soft®
Water Softener Salt Pellets

Keep your shower and appliances running smoothly by transforming your hard water with high purity Bright & Soft® Water Softener Salt Pellets. Our water softener salt pellets contain typical 99.8% pure salt to transform your home’s hard water to soft water.

Solar Naturals®
Solar Salt Crystals

Made naturally with sun, wind and time®. Our solar salt crystals are typical 99.6% pure and a natural choice for treating your hard water. It’s a great way to put nature to work softening your hard water.

Water Softener FAQs

What's the difference between water softener salts?

There is a wide variety of water softening salts, including Bright and Soft® Salt Pellets (the yellow bag), and Solar Naturals® Salt Crystals (the blue bag). The different products serve different needs you might have. 

In general, we recommend using a high purity salt like Diamond Crystal® Bright and Soft® Salt Pellets, or Diamond Crystal® Solar Naturals® Salt Crystals.

It’s best to follow the water softener manufacturer’s directions for the type of salt to use.

How often should I refill my water softener with salt?

We recommend checking the salt level in your water softener at least once a month. If the salt level is less than half full, it’s time to add salt!

Generally, most households use about 2 bags of salt every 1-3 months. The amount of salt you need depends on the hardness of your water, your household water usage, and your type of water softener. Newer water softeners are more efficient and may use less salt than older ones.

Can I mix different types of salts in my water softener?

In general, all types of water softening salt work well together and there is no particular harm caused by mixing different types. However, there may be instances where some types of salt will be preferable to others depending on the specific softener design.

Manufacturers of single tank or “all in one” softeners will often recommend using pellets to prevent the formation of a salt crust around the salt tank. Softeners that don’t have a salt screen in the bottom of the salt tank may also work best with pellets or cubes to avoid crystals being sucked into the salt draw pipe. It’s best to follow the manufacturer’s directions if they recommend one type of salt over another.

Can I use ice melt in my water softener?
Ice melt salt is generally not recommended for water softeners. Ice melt salt has smaller crystals which can lead to mushing and makes it less suitable for water softeners. It’s also less pure than water softener salt and would require more frequent clean out of the salt tank, and in some cases, is not edible.
Can I use table salt in my water softener?
Table salt is not recommended for water softeners. The reason for this is that table salt is made of much smaller crystals than normal water softener salts. These factors make it more susceptible to mushing inside of the salt tank.
Do I need to clean out my salt tank?
Usually, cleaning out your salt tank isn’t necessary. However, if you use lower purity salt, like rock salt, or notice salt mushing in the bottom of your tank, then you may need to drain your tank and clean it. Follow your directions in your water softener owner’s manual for cleaning instructions.
My salt doesn't dissolve, what should I do?

There are several possible reasons why your water softener salt may not dissolve quickly:

  • Newer water softeners use salt more efficiently so it may appear that salt is not being used. You can determine whether your water softener is working correctly by using a hard water test strip to test your softened water.
  • Your water softener may not be plugged in or have the correct settings – refer to your water softener user’s manual to determine the correct settings for optimal salt usage.
  • You may have a salt bridge in your salt tank – A salt bridge is a crust of salt that forms above the water level and prevents salt from dropping down to the water. You can break up the salt bridge using your hand or a small tool.
  • You may have salt mushing in the bottom of your tank – Salt mushing occurs when the salt breaks down into small granules that don’t fully dissolve. If this happens, it may clog the water intake valve at the bottom of the water tank. If you see salt mush in the bottom of the salt tank, try cleaning out the tank.

*This information is intended to be informational. If you have a concern, please consult a professional.

Product Details

  • Helps remove minerals from your water, transforming your home’s water to soft water
  • Reduces soap films and buildup in sinks, bathtubs, and washing machines

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